By In Discipleship, Work

The Worldly Church

For the past two hundred-plus years, the Western Church has been in the grips of a dualism that pits the material world against the non-material world (which they unadvisedly call “spiritual”). This is nothing new in the church. We have been fighting this for almost two millennia in one form or another. Material things are intrinsically evil and must be shed. The great salvation will come when I die and shed this mortal coil to live in a disembodied bliss in heaven. When Jesus comes again, he will destroy this mortal world, putting an end to its evil.

This dualistic view of reality affects the way we understand Jesus’ commission in Matthew 28:19-20. Whatever Jesus tells us, he is not telling us our mission has anything to do with this material world. Fighting culture wars with the gospel is like rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic … or entering into a theological debate on social media: a waste of time. Jesus’ Commission is all about snatching souls out of the world so that they can leave this world behind along with us.


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By In Podcast

KC Podcast – Episode 143: Baptism and Trinity

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By In History, Theology

The Reformed Doctrine of the Necessity of Good Works

When the average Evangelical Christian talks about being “saved” he usually refers to the first moment of conversion, or justification by faith in Christ. He tends to reduce salvation to a past event in the believer’s life: “For by grace you have been saved through faith” (Eph. 2:8). From this perspective, salvation is something that has already been accomplished.

But this perspective is myopic. The Bible paints a far richer picture, presenting salvation as an ongoing journey that culminates in the future. Believers have been saved, are being saved, and will be saved on the Last Day: “And the Lord added to the church daily those who are being saved” (Acts 2:47); “But he who endures to the end shall be saved” (Mt. 24:13).


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By In Culture

Red-Pilling & Christ

Guest Post by Toby Sumpter

Red-pilling is the realization that you’ve been lied to, the world isn’t the way you were told. A bunch of what you thought was real was actually a sham, a scam, a facade. Satan is the father of lies, and satanic cultures and kingdoms thrive on lies. This is why conversion to Christ is the ultimate red pill. Christ is the truth incarnate. His truth sets men free. And therefore, His Word in Scripture must be our touchstone for everything. Christ is King, not Satan, not his useful idiots in places of power.

Covid was a major red-pilling moment in our culture. The media and cultural elites tried to convince us that millions would die if we didn’t shut down our “non-essential” businesses and churches and schools, stay home, wear masks, stand 6 feet apart, and then when we noticed that abortion clinics and casinos were still open and they were still having private dinner parties, while our grandparents died alone in nursing homes, while they were arresting lone guys on beaches, we saw through the charade. When BLM riots ripped through our cities and protests and marches gathered like churches and they were praised and justified by our politicians and pastors, we realized we had been lied to… by almost everyone.

The trans-jihad has been another radicalizing red pill moment. Demanding that sick men have access to our daughters’ and mothers’ bathrooms and locker rooms and athletics, drag queens in libraries, and performing stripteases in front of young children, and the sudden rush to chemically castrate or permanently, surgically maim any teenager with a moment’s worth of sexual confusion, not to mention the millions of dollars behind it all — revealed to many that this is not about love and equality but about perversion, grooming, pedophila, and a corrupt counseling and medical industry.

And don’t forget the schools. The public/government schools have been complicit in all of this. From sexualizing kids from young ages to DEI indoctrination from preschool to universities, white Christian guilt and shame has metastasized, not to mention plummeting scores and standards on basic math and literature and history, all filled with Cultural Marxist religious talking points, in the name of neutrality and secularism and freedom. Heh. Loads and loads of fabrications, lies, and deception.

But all of this is a setup for any thinking man to wonder if he’s been lied to about everything. The same people who told me to mask up, take a jab, put money in some dude’s junk, and feel bad for being a white Christian also told me that the civil rights movement was good, that the confederacy was pure evil, the Salem witch trials and the Spanish inquisition were some of the worst examples of religious persecution, and the crusades and the wars of religion are what happen when people take Christianity too seriously.

It’s no wonder people start asking if the moon landing really happened or if the earth is actually flat and maybe there really are aliens and UFOs. And what about mermaids and unicorns and giants? Could a man really walk on water? Can water be turned into wine? Could the dead rise? Some of these things are true, some are partially true, and some are not.

So what do we do in a moment like this? To the Word and to the Testimony. The false teachers and educational wizards and media gurus have always muttered and chirped with their delusions and lies, scraping for power, trying to manipulate the masses with fear. But God’s Word stands true forever. Men will falter. Men will lie. Men will forget. But God’s Word is sure. And in His Light we see light. In His truth, we can distinguish truth from lies. And the truth is that we did not get here in a moment or even in just a few years. We got here by slowly neglecting God’s Word. When you cover the lamp, it gets dark in the room. When you stop celebrating God creating the world in six days, when you stop loving God’s good law, when you stop singing all of God’s favorite songs, the Psalms, when you stop telling the story of God’s covenant faithfulness from Adam to Noah to Abraham to Moses to David to Christ, when you stop loving children, welcoming children into your family, into worship, and doing everything you can to raise them as Christians, when you stop preaching the substitutionary atonement for sin, God’s absolute sovereignty over the universe, and the certainty of the victory of the Great Commission, well, that’s how lies get feet. That’s how it gets dark. That’s how you become susceptible to charades.


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By In Culture, Discipleship

Salty Grace

Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person. ~Colossians 4:6

If you think about it from the perspective of many unbelieving Americans, faithful Christians come off as weird. The message we believe is strange. One man from a backwater province in the Roman Empire who lived almost two thousand years ago died on a cross, rose again, and now sits on the throne in heaven, ruling the world to save the world from sin.  How does that make sense? It is foolishness to them. We speak in odd ways to one another. We take membership in the church with utmost seriousness. We live in ways that are out of step with the mainstream. This message has been foolishness to them from our earliest days (see 1 Cor 1:18).

The message we believe and proclaim is weird. We don’t need to make it weirder by being unable to interact with the world around us with basic social skills or being unnecessarily off-putting in the name of “boldness.” While never compromising the gospel at any point, we need to live among unbelievers in attractive ways, even if they are ultimately repulsed by beauty. To accomplish the kingdom mission God gave us, we must strive to live this way.


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By In Podcast

KC Podcast – Episode 142: People, Propositions, and Populism

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By In Discipleship, Family and Children, Work

Slaves & Masters

Over the past 160 years in the West, we have experienced something rare in the history of the world: Chattel slavery has not only been formally abolished but has become culturally abhorrent. When Americans think of slavery, we think of Africans being sold by their kinsmen to people in the West and that slavery was only of those who had dark skin. But light-skinned eastern European Slavs were enslaved by Muslims. The Irish were slaves in the 1600s in Western lands. Slavery reaches back to the time before Abraham, who himself owned slaves. Even today, throughout the world, it is estimated that somewhere around 40 million people are enslaved. The twentieth and twenty-first-century Christian West is an anomaly in the world.

Because of our relatively sheltered place in history, many Christians are embarrassed about what the Scriptures say and do not say about slavery. We expect there to be an absolute prohibition of slavery throughout Scripture and especially in the New Testament, but there isn’t. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. Paul and Peter direct slaves to obey their masters, and masters are not commanded to free their slaves. The relationship between master and slave is regulated but not eliminated.


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By In Podcast

KC Podcast – Episode 141: JEEP

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By In Culture

Liberty Requires God-given Rights Exercised in Free Markets

Guest Post by Bill Peacock

“Many persons, having never viewed the subject (of liberty) in this light, charge us with excessive zeal, when they see us so warmly and earnestly contending for freedom of faith as to outward matters, in opposition to the tyranny of the Pope.” – John Calvin

Most Americans these days are more worried about the tyranny of civil government than of the Pope. Yet many of them, including some Christians, are squeamish about or opposed to applying biblical teachings to the public square in order to address the problem of tyranny. Some conservative Christians are hesitant about this because they believe it will lead to conflating Christian liberty and civil liberty and undermining the message of the freedom from sin we have in Jesus Christ.

While these two terms should not be conflated, neither should they be put asunder. John Calvin, in his commentary on Galatians 5:1, wrote that liberty is “an invaluable blessing, in defense of which it is our duty to fight, even to death; since not only the highest temporal considerations, but our eternal interests also, animate us to the contest.”

These temporal considerations of liberty extend into our social and economic lives. The Eighth Commandment, “You shall not steal,” confers an obligation on citizens and rulers not to take property from others. This obligation includes allowing the application of our labor and creativity to God’s creation so that we may use, buy, and sell the property we can make from it, and keep the profits from doing so. “Free market” or “capitalism” are the terms generally used to describe this state of affairs.

Unfortunately, the free market is waning in today’s uber-regulatory world. The government tells us what we must inject into our bodies to keep our jobs, what products we can–or must–sell, what people we must serve–or reject, the wages we must pay–and receive, the price at which we can buy and sell products, and more.

Capitalism, which as the replacement for feudalism allowed people from all classes, for the first time in history, to freely use their land, labor, and capital to their own benefit, is rapidly being replaced by a modern-day feudalism in which the wealthy and politically connected are once again becoming our lords.

Many Christians, perhaps out of concern about maintaining a “separation of church and state,” appear to be oblivious to these problems. While they are quick to point to harmful actions by individuals or businesses in the marketplace, they often ignore worse injustices committed by our rulers.

This is not to say there have not been challenges with capitalism over the centuries since it sprung out of 14th-century Renaissance Europe—poor working conditions, fraud, and strained relationships between owners and workers among them. Even so, the benefits of capitalism indisputably outweigh its human faults in terms of human prosperity and health.

Also indisputable is the history of failure by government officials who attempt to override the decisions of market participants—and their God-given rights—by intervening in markets. Yet the interventions—and failures—continue.

A long line of philosophers, theologians, and political thinkers have understood that humanity’s “Unalienable rights” are not supplied by government but instead are “endowed by their Creator.” This dependence on God rather than the state was expressed by Abraham Kuyper when he wrote that the dominating principle of Calvinism “was not, soteriologically, justification by faith, but, in the widest sense cosmologically, the Sovereignty of the Triune God over the whole Cosmos, in all its spheres and kingdoms, visible and invisible.”

We express the sovereignty of God over us and the state as our God-given rights and obligations of charity, stewardship, and dominion are freely exercised individually and collectively by people. Outside the family and church, the primary way we do this is through markets.


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By In Church, Culture, Family and Children, Theology

What Does Baptism Accomplish? Part Three: A Marriage Ceremony

In this series, I am seeking to answer the question: What Does Baptism Accomplish? To begin with, I said: Baptism initiates a real covenant relationship with the Triune God and with each of the Persons in particular. This means that there are three different aspects to this relationship and each one corresponds to one of the Three Persons of the Trinity. As it pertains to the Father, the relationship is adoptive. As it pertains to the Son, the relationship is marital. And as it pertains to the Holy Spirit, the relationship is ministerial

I covered the adoptive aspect and now I’ll be covering the marital aspect. First, I want to show that, in the Bible, the relationship we have with God in Christ is of a marital nature. Second, I’ll show the connection between marriage and baptism. Finally, I’ll provide some guidelines on how to think of this relationship in terms of objective and subjective realities. 


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