By In Politics

Sometimes Smeagol is the reason the world gets saved, or Chelsea

mordor is DCNow that Bradley Manning has started campaigning for clemency on the basis of his alleged identity as Chelsea, a lot of Christians who are resisting the call to oppose mass homicide and tyranny are going to use his sexual perversions as an excuse to continue to resist that call. Since one of the other major players in this saga is the Leftist and homosexual Glenn Greenwald, the morality play is set for Christians to play the Punch and Judy show.

But we should know better. If Tolkien can make Gollum indispensable to overcoming Frodo’s faithlessness and breaking the power of the Dark Lord, we should know that such associations are not reasoned arguments.

Let us remember, what Bradley Manning showed us, no matter what he pretends about himself right now.

But that’s not enough. We can be more specific. Bradley Manning was homosexual with “gender confusions” (or is it transgender awakening? The narrative seems confused at this point). Iraqi veteran Ethan McCord was, as far as I can tell, solidly heterosexual.

Thus, we find that McCord could be controlled by his superiors:

I transcribed a couple of parts of the above video. [Note: vulgar army language! Content warning!] Beginning at about the 4-minute mark:

I picked him up in my arms and started running to the Bradly with him, the whole time telling him, “It’s going to be OK. Don’t die! Don’t dies!” At this point he looked up at me just for a split second. Then his eyes rolled back up into his head. At that moment I thought he had died in my arms. But I had gotten to the Bradley.

When I took him to the Bradley, my commanding officer, or [rather] my plattoon leader was there. He told me I needed to “quit worrying about these MFing kids” and to go pull security.

At the time the only thing I could think of was, you know, “Roger that,” and I went to pull security…

And now I’ll skip to six minutes in where we get to the point:

…but later on that night, while I was washing the blood of the children off of me, I couldn’t really cope with it. I was having a hard time dealing with the fact that we did that. The Apaches did that. So I went to my staff sergeant who was in my line, my chain of command, and I told him I think I need to go see mental health. I need to talk to somebody because I’m having a hard time dealing with what I had just seen, what I had witnessed, what I was a part of.

He laughed at me, and told me to get the sand out of my vagina and to quit being a pussy and to suck it up and to be a soldier.

And that, despite some internal pressure, put Ethan McCord back in line. His masculinity was used against him to get him to go against his better judgment.

So what would have happened if someone had tried to use that method of persuasion on Bradley Manning. He couldn’t be controlled that way. The handle wasn’t there to be grabbed.

I wish Manning was not seduced by the pansexual dark side. I wish he had done what he did from his integrity and courage without the sense of alienation making his decision easier for him to make. But the fact that the military’s culture was not able to keep him in line, even for a sinful reason, doesn’t mean the military was or is right to keep him in line.

Sexual perversity counts against Manning’s character, but it doesn’t count against what he was put on trial for. He revealed crimes that never should have been committed and never should have been kept secret. The cover up was directly related to the government’s propaganda efforts to manipulate the American public to comply with a act of aggression that was nationally self-destructive and deadly to the Iraqi people.

Whatever his other sins and evils, Manning fought the Beast and hurt it, however lightly. I can only thank God he did so. In my opinion, he stepped in while too many Christians were clutching after the ring of power.

Finally, one lesson here is that your virtues can be sources of weakness to anyone who knows them in advance. Your desire to be righteous and to have a righteous name can be used to intimidate you and make you doubt your own conscience. Be wary.<>в контакте рекламаseo оптимизация web а

3 Responses to Sometimes Smeagol is the reason the world gets saved, or Chelsea

  1. […] READ THE REST: Sometimes Smeagol is the reason the world gets saved, or Chelsea – Kuyperian Commentary. […]

  2. Arpista says:

    “We have been silent witnesses of evil deeds: we have been drenched by many storms; we have learnt the arts of equivocation and pretense; experience has made us suspicious of others and kept us from being truthful and open; intolerable conflicts have worn us down and even made us cynical. Are we still of any use? What we shall need is not geniuses, or cynics, or misanthropes, or clever tacticians, but plain, honest, straightforward men. Will our inward power of resistance be strong enough, and our honesty with ourselves remorseless enough, for us to find our way back to simplicity and straightforwardness?”

    – Dietrich Bonhoeffer
    (After Ten Years : A Reckoning made at the New Year 1943, pp.16)

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