Dear friend,
I just want to take a few moments to exalt the virtues of community life and to show that without it one’s humanity suffers:
First, to be in community is the closest human sample to that heavenly experiment in the age to come.
Second, to be in community is to put to test those divine imperatives to love, show kindness, and cover one another.
Third, to be in community is to see weakness displayed often and to be humbled by it.
Fourth, to be in community is to improve on your baptism and see the fruits of faith.
Fifth, to be in community is to allow one another to be fully human and fully flawed and fully forgiven.
Sixth, to be in community is to see little children playing a fundamental role in the sanctification of parents, churches, and the kingdom.
Seventh, to be in community is to learn from one another; to be like one another in important ways and to embody the healthy habits of one another.
Eighth, to be in community is to sing together Zion’s songs while allowing our voices to minister to one another in psalms, hymns, and songs of the Spirit.
Ninth, to be in community is to weep and rejoice with one another; to experience the cycles of life together.
Tenth, to be in community is to long for the Lord’s Day on Monday and to prepare for it on Saturday.