By In Scribblings

The Federal Reserve Poem

The Federal Reserve by Thelen Paulk

federal_reserve_mgnTo understand our money, we first must understand, the US Constitution’s the Supreme Law of the land.

Provisions found in this law, to Congress delegate, the power to coin money and its value regulate.

When congress did obey this law American was strong, but Congress gave its power away and everything went wrong.

Congress made a monster called the Federal Reserve, who then became the master that America would serve.

Congress, ever loyal to the banking corporation, has placed a noose on liberty and shackles on this nation.

The Monster they created has ultimate control of the money of our nation, their first and foremost goal.

The problem of Americans are to them of no concern, they’re international Bankers, a fact you’re soon to learn.

They flood our economy with their so called, “money creation” and manipulate our people with a tool they call inflation.

They steal our wealth in secret, for greed our rights are sold, their paper is our silver, their credit our Gold.

They loan our country credit, from thin-air this debt is made. Americans labor daily so the bankers can be paid.

Through recessions and depressions, they’ve rocked us to and fro; since their birth in 1913, we’ve let this monster grow.

The Constitution forbids what’s now occurring in our land, we needn’t pay the homage that the banks now demand.

We needn’t mortgage freedom, our childrens’ future right; we needn’t live in darkness from the Constitution’s light.

Our country’s national deficit has gotten out of hand; it’s time we show our congress the supreme law of the land.

Let’s not leave our children with a fate they don’t deserve; let’s destroy the monster called the Federal Reserve!

Excerpted from Poems For Patriots, Pilgrims, & Pioneers by Thelen Paulk<>joomla consultantпоисковая реклама цена

One Response to The Federal Reserve Poem

  1. Troy Lizenby says:

    The one-hundredth anniversary of the Federal Reserve is this December. When there is a financial crisis, the executive and legislative branches of government step back and trust the Fed to do whatever is necessary to maintain the status quo. Read IN FED WE TRUST by David Wessel (How the Federal Reserve Became The Fourth Branch of Government).

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