By In Politics

The Gag Reflex: Not “If?” but “In response to what?”

bob menendezPeter Jones has written on the gag reflex. Personally, I’m still wondering about its usefulness. But, whatever the pros and cons of using the gag reflex as an apologetic tool on the part of a Christian minority in a secular culture, it should be unquestionable that it is always used by dominant cultures (or those that think they are still dominant) to enforce their boundaries. They boast in their reflux so you can feel the social pressure to join them at the vomitorium.

So when you realize that Senator Bob Menendez has no gag reflex for homosexuality, don’t think that means he doesn’t gag at all. He says that Vladimir Putin’s open letter to the US made him want to vomit.

So the gag reflex seems to be a way that societies try to preserve their norms… or how elites try to preserve their power while working to undermine society’s norms.<>rpg mobile gameподдержка web ов ucoz

One Response to The Gag Reflex: Not “If?” but “In response to what?”

  1. Peter Jones says:

    Mark, you make a good point. All societies/persons are revolted by certain actions/ideas. The question is which ones.

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