commendation by Marc Hays
In this post I’ll be commending to you an article and a man. Said man wrote the commendable article. In fact, he writes many commendable articles, hence the commendation.
On April 30, Toby J. Sumpter published an article on his blog entitled, “The Porn War”. He reminds us that the war against sexual sin must have a strong defense, but that simply having a defense will never win a war. He begins,
Defensive warfare is not a winning tactic, but it is a necessary tactic. And usually, when the Spirit has sacked a man, and he comes to his senses, repents, and wants to get out the prison cell of lust and pornography, the defensive angle has to be emphasized first. You need to get real accountability (pastor, parent, wife, godly roommate), change jobs, stop traveling so much, throw away your computer, put Covenant Eyes on your smart phone, cut off your hand or eye causing you to sin (Mt. 5:28-30). Jesus prescribes amputation, so don’t expect this to be very fun.
That quote may sound pretty ‘offensive’, but he’s saying that building the necessary bulwarks against the enemy will not beat the enemy. He then reminds us that this battle is not simply going on in the world around us. The battle is raging in our hearts. Our offensive tactics against the enemy must begin with the renewing of our minds. He elaborates on 6 points of mind renewal in order to think God’s thoughts after Him:
1. God made women in His own image.
2. God made women, and their beauty is their glory.
3. Lots of guys think like the evolutionists are right.
4. Every woman immodestly displayed on magazines, in movies, in internet pixels is being exploited, used, and abused. Pornography is socially accepted gang rape.
5. God made men to protect and sacrifice and honor women, children, and all who are weak.
6. Many women who end up in the porn industry were victims of the sex trade.
Do not miss the opportunity to read this article. Since it has the word, “porn” in the title, your covenant eyes software will probably send your wife a notification that you viewed it. Right? You are accountable to someone for what you’re doing right now. Right?
Secondly, and lastly, so that you have time to read Toby’s article, I want to commend the man, Toby Sumpter, to you. He is the pastor of Preaching & Pastoral Care at Trinity Reformed Church in Moscow, Idaho. I don’t know him personally, but I am thankful that God gave Him a voice, gave me ears, and brought those into close proximity via the internet. If you don’t already follow him on Twitter, you can do that here. This man can speak more truth more in 140 characters than anyone else I have come across. He tweets regularly and they’re always good.
So go read his article, then come back here and follow these next two links. You have been redeemed from sin’s slavery by Jesus Christ’s own blood. His yoke is easy and His burden is light. Serve no other master.
Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability software
- Helping men, women and families affected by sexual struggles and sin
- Equipping churches to minister to sexually broken people