By In Books, Politics, Scribblings

Theology as Language

Even when I quibble with points here and there, I never read Vinoth Ramachandra’s work without being moved and changed; Subverting Global Myths: Theology and the Public Issues Shaping Our World is no exception. Here’s a worthwhile nugget:

“Christian theology is more than a set of doctrinal beliefs or systematic arguments. It is a way of seeing, of so dwelling in a particular language and doing new things with that language that its revelatory and transformative power is manifest in the world. That language arose out of specific historical events that both constitute us as the ekklesia of Christ and call forth characteristic social practices such as thanksgiving, forgiving, exposing evil, truth-telling, welcoming the broken and the hopeless, and bearing testimony to grace. Such a theology seeks comprehensiveness, because it seeks to bear prophetic witness to One whose speech-acts heal, renew and transform the world in its entirety, but its own speech is always broken, sharing in the not-yet-redeemed character of the world.”<>mobi onlineреклама в гугл

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