Mariann Edgar Budde has been playing the role of Bishop at the Washington National Cathedral since 2011. The incident proved what I call the JBJ principle. But before elaborating on the principle, let me summarize the incident:
The President and Vice-President, their wives, and a large portion of the new Trump administration sat there through the torture of an Episcopal Service that combines the best of idolatry with a funereal liturgy.
I say that as a fanboy of the Book of Common Prayer. But let’s be honest, there is not much left of books or prayer in the Episcopal Church. The “so-called Bishop,” as Trump adequately expressed, urged the president to defend the leftist causes that have gotten us into this madmaxness of history. She petitioned the president to protect the plight of illegal immigrants, LGBTQ adherents, and other causes.
JD Vance offered us his “Jim” look at the conspicuous abuse of common-sense. Pastors should speak politically, but the fundamental problem with Budde (insert pronoun) is that she lacks the DNA of priesthood. She was born the sex from which no priesthood stems! And that is problem numero uno. The second problem is that the president was trapped. He was compelled to hear drivel from the ass’s mouth.
So, now we begin to see the JBJ principle in action.
Jim Jordan stated that truth must be the starting point of the three great virtues of goodness, truth, and beauty. It is better to have truth than the beauty of the National Cathedral. It is better to have truth than to stare into the eyes of an elderly woman who specializes in travesty and error. It is better to have truth surrounded by white, unadorned walls than to sit in the synagogue of Satan, no matter how adequately adorned it may be. Pretty tombs only hide decay.
Donald J. Trump, a man who does not claim King Jesus, is still imbibed with sufficient common grace to see falsehood.
We can only pray that in 2029, our next Republican President can sit under the tutelage of wisdom instead of the pulpit of terror. Perhaps we may have truth and beauty and goodness joined together in a sacred assembly.