By In Politics

Will Dr. Paul Broun be the next Rand Paul?

Last week I had the opportunity of sitting down with Dr. Paul Broun (R-GA). He held a fundraiser at the home of Star Parker in the Los Angeles, California. Living up near Sacramento it was a few hundred miles to go see the Congressman, but I went knowing he was traveling the two-thousand mile trek from Georgia. The event was small, I was one of the ten invited to a small wine tasting before the main event and the larger event was about thirty at most.

paul-broun4This meant that we had the opportunity to ask him about his positions, his views on current events, and get answers that were a bit deeper than the usual question and answer session. He touted his endorsement from Dr. Ron Paul and his record in the House of Representatives. Dr. Broun was a staunch ally of the Texas congressman’s legislation to audit the Fed and He went on to be the lead sponsor of an identical bill.

It was strange at first to think of a man running for U.S. Senate traveling to California. Here in California, we are represented in the U.S. Senate by Barbara Boxer and Diane Feinstein, two of the most toxic lawmakers in the history of that legislative body. I wish we had someone in California like Dr. Broun to run against them, Georgia is truly blessed. But Broun was campaigning under the idea that the U.S. Senate is now a national race. Consider what Senator Paul from the state of Kentucky has done or Ted Cruz in Texas. They have the ability to transform the national debate and build liberty-minded issues into legislative realities.

The future of the liberty movement depends on pushing our rockstars up into higher positions of leadership. Simply being a U.S. Senator is more highly regarded than a member of the House of Representatives. This is largely because there are fewer senators and they usually represent a larger number of voters. If we send Dr. Broun to the U.S. Senate we can count on his unyielding commitment to the principles of liberty. Also, as we move forward in considering candidates for President in this election and the ones beyond it, we should keep in mind that far more senators have been nominees for the presidency than representatives. Building our Liberty farm team requires us to build that team closer to the top, too.

The event was hosted by and at Star Parker’s home. I’ve been a longtime fan of Parker, she is a syndicated columnist with the Scripps News Service and you’ve probably seen her pieces for TownHall. She describes the congressman as her friend and someone who she is excited to support. Dr. Broun has used Parker’s work to combat Obamacare often recommending Star’s anti-socialist book, Uncle Sam’s Plantation.

Ted CruzWith the way the United States Senate is split today, 52 Democrats against 46 Republicans, one senator is a big deal for those of us who love liberty. Rand, Broun, Cruz, and Lee can be the game changers on every close vote. The establishment Republicans will depend on this liberty-bloc to get anything they want passed. This means that the Republicans won’t be seeing any expansion of corporate welfare or nation building pass the Senate with Broun in office. More Mr. Smith style statesmen like Dr. Broun may even mean more filibusters. When we look at how fractured Mitch McConnell’s Senate Republican Caucus is -now is the time to show losers like John McCain and Lindsey Graham the door. Electing the congressman from Georgia will also mean that the Democrats will have some votes to worry about. Unlike squishy Republicans, this Liberty-bloc will not cave under pressure to support new taxes or spending.

The senate is sick. Is there a doctor is the house? Yes, Dr. Paul Broun.

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2 Responses to Will Dr. Paul Broun be the next Rand Paul?

  1. Pat says:

    Dr. Paul Broun has a “hawkish” foreign policy. Not quite in line with Kuyperian philosophy. Please explain.

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