By In Church

Women Who Play Like Warriors

Pride month kicks in like an avalanche of perversions! And while I am eager to call men back to their roles, I want to spend a little time addressing evangelical women. I believe they are crucial to pushing back against the modern insinuations of our day, which open up platforms for sexual confusion. Women are much more easily seduced by the proliferation of false Gospels and therefore, they need to stand firm.

I address them because they are being duped by sentimental slobbery, and our evangelical churches act as if women want this sentimental slobbery. They are offering messages that have no objectivity. They assume that women have no interest in theology or biblical orthodoxy, and all they want is an avalanche of emotional darts that will penetrate their “silly, teenage hearts.”

When churches and well-known female authors perpetuate this mentality, Christian women will easily be seduced into thinking that Deborah was a biblical abhorrence, that Ruth was too zealous for the covenant, and that grandmother Lois (II Tim. 1:5) was too committed to catechesis. No matter how “Hippie-dippy, Big Love Jesus Type,” you may be, you are not being a faithful follower of Jesus unless you agree that the Bible does not tame women; the Bible sets them free to be image-bearers who dwell in God’s house forever with the strength of a covenantal warrior. This is not a conversation about the role of women; it’s a conversation about who women are in Christ.

We are seeing a rejection of theological womanhood for mantras that satisfy some element of a woman’s emotional needs but fail to re-make her after the image of Christ. I am fully in favor of giving deep consideration to emotions and existential concerns, but I am not in favor of offering broth instead of substance. Mothers, for instance, have the important function of training boys in the home, and such boys don’t need to be de-masculinized of their roles, and neither should we expect that all one gets from a mother is the kind of fortitude found in a giant tube worm. Biblical women, especially the ones I know, have the strength to take three kids to the grocery store while humming an imprecatory psalm about destroying God’s enemies.

Some of the ladies out there putting on the hat of teacher and lecturer in feminine mystique have so psychologized the faith that they are openly applauding their homosexual children and acting out as if men are tyrants for not embracing modern movements which favor ungodly causes. To hell with these madonnas!

I can almost see with my amateur prophetic eyes the kinds of men these women will raise; I can almost see, in fact, the kind of husband that sees these things and turns a blind eye. We have for too long accepted that women are just frail beings who only offer insight into cooking and coddling. But that’s not Proverbs 31; if Solomon had written Proverbs 32, it wouldn’t be it.

The faithful women of the Bible saw the resurrected Messiah and theologized from experience, normativity and their context. They did not cower in the sight of a risen Christ but knew the implications of a vindicated Lord to their cause and the cause of the world. Away with the evangelical perception of women comfortably sipping her alcohol-free beverage of choice and then daydreaming through the inspiration of her new Amazon-kindle-romance best-seller. Off with these! Bring in the godly women who train, who repent, and who fight for a cause within her sphere and calling as faithful mothers, wives, worshipers, and offspring of the Seed of the first woman.

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