I realize charisma is something necessary today in our world of entertainment, but charisma is not something we need in the Executive office. John Stossel and Gary Demar, both whom I highly respect and admire, said that they support Ron Paul’s platform, but in the end he is just not charismatic enough. Who needs charismatic leaders in the office? Are we so blinded by Hollywood that we believe that the man who will run the highest office in the country needs to awe the nation with his rhetorical abilities? Last I checked, Hitler was a not a good figure in world history. We need a serious man who is committed to a limited government; a man who will put an end to charismatic charlatans in Washington-this man is Ron Paul.<>
The Uniqueness of Ron Paul…
What is most fascinating about Ron Paul and what makes him different from every other candidate in the Republican ticket are:
a) Ron Paul believes we are to leave Iraq immediately. Even Tom Tancredo, who is the most social and fiscal conservative out of the bunch, continues to believe that the US is to stay in Iraq. Paul understands that maintaining the troops in Iraq is to give them more reason to kill civilians and American troops, and further our economic chaos. Further, Ron Paul knows that when you begin something unconstitutional, you end it immediately.
b) Ron Paul believes in a non-interventionist foreign policy. Unlike the others, he believes that we do better when we trade with other nations, rather than bomb them.
c) Ron Paul believes that it is not the government’s role to educate our children. His reasons that the Constitution is based on enumerated powers and the constitution leaves no room for a governmental educational system.<>
Ron Paul on jobs…
Astonishingly, American taxpayers now will be forced to finance a multi-billion dollar jobs program in Iraq. Suddenly the war is about jobs. We export our manufacturing jobs to Asia, and now we plan to export our welfare jobs to Iraq, all at the expense of the poor and the middle class here at home. –Ron Paul<>
Ron Paul 2008!
This is a demonstration to the United States that we are serious about electing Ron Paul as the new president of the United States and begin a new chapter in US history on January 20th 2009. Join the revolution with your comments and spread the news! Visit: www.ronpaul2008.com<>