By In Politics

Who defines victory?

Anyone familiar with my official site for the last few years know that I have been a strong opponent of the Iraq War. Since I am unable to do all the research necessary, I have depended on some phenomenal bloggers and intellectual giants such as William f. Buckley Jr. Along the way, my thinking has been shaped more and more around Libertarian thinking, as expressed by the honorable Ron Paul and the great scholar R.J. Rushdoony.

Establishing arguments contra war has not always been as easy as it is today. Nowadays, the most fervent war-supporting Republicans have begun to express serious doubts about the president’s war policy. After all, when the ship has been sinking for so long,1 even the crew will jump, though their captain may wish to die honorably. Of course, there are still those who will die on their loyalty graveyard. They will fight to the end though they may feel their fight is more about status than morality. They will fight to the end at the expense of other children’s blood, not their own.

These die-harders still claim that we need to stay until “victory” is accomplished; “victory” of course, is never defined. This is why I am glad Dan Phillips continues to write stimulating blogs that forces neo-cons to truly define their terms. Dan Phillips argues that supporters of the war will constantly use phrases like “we cannot leave until we achieve ‘victory;’ or “we cannot cut-and-run because that will mean that we have surrendered to our enemies.”I must confess that though I have believed for very long that the concept of “victory” in the lips of neo-cons is always destined to failure, I have not challenged what exactly they meant by the idea and how irrational it really is. Dan Phillips emerges to challenge and reveal the absurdity of it all when he poses these questions:

Does victory mean toppling Saddam? Done. Does victory mean ensuring Iraq doesn’t have weapons of mass destruction? Done. Does it mean a stable and Western style democracy in Iraq? Good luck with that. Does it just mean a stable but perhaps not democratic Iraq? Good luck with that as well. Does it mean modernizing and westernizing all of the Middle East? Does it mean stamping out all vestiges of “Shari’a-observant Islam” or more crudely put, wiping out “Islamo-fascism.” Most War on Terror supporters I have talked to cannot give a coherent answer. Instead they resort to talking points and boiler-plate accompanied by foot-stomping and eye-rolling.

The level of political discussion began with talks about WMD’s and now they have turned to “we must not leave, though we admit the war was a mistake.” What keeps us in Iraq is the stubbornness and unconstitutionality of a president who still has not given a definition of “victory” without changing his mind a month later.

Imperialism never admits failures; they persist because as Ron Paul has mentioned time and time again: “War is the health of the state.” If the imperial endeavor ceases, the state then ceases to control your money and your lives. If the state continues to wage war, then your life is back in their hands. So, what is victory anyway but the unstable and rhetorically mindless meandering of tyrants.<>продвижение страницы в инстаграмраскрутка а стоит

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Paul pulls even with McCain financially

Paul pulls even with McCain financially

Sen. John McCain, Ariz., considers himself to be in competition with GOP candidates riding high in the polls, including Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani. But at the end of June, McCain’s remaining cash, about $2 million, was about the same as that of Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, who barely registers in polls but has picked up lots of fans online.

Paul, a campaign spokesman said, has $2.4 million on hand. He raised more than $2 million in the second quarter and has spent $520,000. McCain spent more than $20 million in the first six months of the year. Of course, Paul also lacks the campaign infrastructure around the country that McCain has built and is now seeking to streamline.<> продвижение а top

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Ron Paul Links…

Ron Paul Political Machine

Community Flocks to Ron Paul

Paul vs. McCain <>продвижение ов по трафикуподбор ключевых слов google

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By In Politics

Why Should Anyone Be Surprised?

Ron Paul has raised 2.4 million dollars. With this raise he becomes the third highest fund raiser in the Republican Party; this places John McCain in fourth place with under 2.4 million. Paul is so concerned with his message that he was not even aware that he had passed John McCain. Even Drudgereport noticed it.My prediction is that McCain will drop off the race soon, which will put Paul even more on the spotlight.  With the entrance of Fred Thompson, the votes will become even more split causing Ron Paul to be a real challenge to the front-runners. As the war continues to be a miserable disaster, Paul’s message of non-intervention will become fairly attractive to the undecided voters. Perhaps not enough to win the nomination, but enough to put Republican warmonger and morally bankrupt Giuliani on guard.

Here’s a short clip from the interview that will be aired on Sunday on “This Week.”<> онлайн генератор иконок

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By In Politics

Ron Paul in 1996

His message was the same then and it is the same now. See this incredible video. The issue that divides the 10 candidates (soon to be 11) has always been the same: One of principle, integrity and consistency.<>эффективный интернет маркетинг аксессуаров

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By In Politics

Great Blog resource…

In the time of political cliches, you are always searching around form some decent blog to express ideas that resonate with a Ron Paulian philosophy of liberty and peace. Here is one that does that: Copious Dissent<>определить позиции в яндекс

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By In Politics


Check out the comment section here at

Then, vote here. Ron Paul wins again.

Though Paul was snubbed, he won again according to Rockwell. 

So far in this evening’s post-analysis there has not been one mention of Ron Paul except when Anderson Cooper instead of saying Raw Politics said Ron Paul. What’s Cooper been thinking about lately?<>аналитика раскрутки а

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By In Politics

What Ron Paul needs to say tonight?

Here are two things Ron Paul needs to do tonight:

a) What Ron Paul needs to do tonight is to stress once again that he will bring the troops home immediately and then appeal to the families and say something like: “Father and Mothers, brothers and sisters-I promise you I will bring you sons and daughters home immediately as your president!”

b) Secondly, Paul needs to capitalize in his Giuliani reading list. He should say something like: Mr. Giuliani needs to read what I have given him; how can a man desire to be a president of the United States if he does not seek to understand foreign policy. I, on the other hand, understand foreign policy and understand Middle Eastern politics and that is why I should lead this country.<>plusmo.orgбизнес по продвижению ов

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By In Politics

America: Leave the Middle East!

The old argument used against those like Ron Paul who believe the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will be better off without American interfering in Middle Eastern foreign affairs has plenty of validity according to a new survey out by Zogby.

The idea according to the Neo-Cons is that if we leave Iraq or if we don’t attack Iran, the Middle East will enter a civil-war (hint: It has become a civil war due to American foreign policy). American foreign policy under Bush has enraged the Middle East and underscore what Ron Paul has said so many times: “Let the Middle East deal with their problems.”

The Arab American Institute (AAI) and Americans for Peace Now (APN) on Monday, June 4, will release the results of a new joint survey of Arab Americans and Jewish Americans showing a high level of support, among both communities, for a negotiated two-state peaceful resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The poll, conducted by Zogby International, also shows a low level of approval of President Bush’s handling of the Arab-Israeli conflict, as well as an intention, by voters in both communities, to support political candidates who commit to actively advancing the Arab-Israeli peace process. The poll reveals solid support for a more robust use of American diplomacy in the region, including in Washington’s policy toward Iran.

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By In Politics

Ron Paul interview

Ron Paul answers on foreign policy, Islamist radicals and much more: Click here<>google поисковикпродвижение а в rambler

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